Bordo Environmental Responsibility

Bordo believes in minimising our environmental footprint, and have a number of initiatives that are both leading edge and practical.

Bordo has installed an 85kW sollar array on both our warehouse and office buildings, and we anticipate the electricity generated will provide enough power for our operations.

The system is made up of a total of 440 panels and 6 inverters, and our generated statistics are publicly available at this link.

 Bordo solar array

The Bordo solar array consists of 440 panels.

Solar roof view

An aerial photo showing the Bordo 85kW solar array.

The Bordo headquarters in Melbourne was one of the first buildings in Australia to be awarded a 5 Star Energy Rating by the Green Building Council of Australia.

Completed in 2004, the building was designed with many "green" features, which were put in place to make the space better for employees and the environment.

Sustainable solutions featured in the office design include: 

- natural ventilation
- improved roof insulation
- solar domestic hot water installation
- low energy lighting and daylight dimming controls
- sustainable timber, "green" concrete and recycled steel
- implementation of a waste management plan
- rainwater tank to supply landscape irrigation and toilet flushing.

Bordo head office

Over a decade later the sustainable aspects of the building have more than paid for themselves and continue to provide a fantastic and healthy workplace for Bordo staff.