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2" x 11.5 NPT HSS Die Nut - Goliath

Part Number:FH91YJJ
Pack Qty:1
Diameter (inch):2
Pitch (tpi):111/2
Thread Form:NPT

About this item:
  • 2" x 11.5 NPT HSS Die Nut - Goliath
  • Hexagonal HSS Die Nut for External Threads
  • High Speed Steel (HSS) Die Nuts
  • Goliath solid High Speed Steel (HSS) Die Nuts are used for cutting of new male threads as well as extending / cleaning / resizing of existing threads where a button die is not suited due to work space restrictions and / or on site thread accessibility.
  • HSS Die Nuts have a vastly longer tool life than Carbon dies as well as superior thread accuracy.
  • National Pipe Tapered (NPT) is a US standard for tapered threads used to join pipes and fittings.
  • ANSI/ASME standard B1.20.1 covers threads of 60º form with flat crests and roots.
  • The taper on NPT threads allows them to form a seal when torqued as the flanks of the threads compress against each other.
  • However a clearance remains between the crests and roots of the threads, resulting in a leakage around this spiral.
  • This means that NPT fittings must be made leak free with the aid of thread seal tape or a thread sealant compound.
  • For each 12" increase in distance from the end, the diameter increases by 3/4".